

Geo Challenge // Autoplayer

Geo Challenge // Autoplayer

  1. Click the link at the top to play geo challenge.
  2. Open the autoplayer
  3. Set windows position according to image
  4. Click Play > World Tour.


Icy Tower // Combo Cheat

Icy Tower // Combo Cheat

  1. Go into Icy Tower.
  2. Jump up to level 1.
  3. Attach ce5.5 to browser, scan "1"
  4. Jump up to level 2.
  5. next scan "2"
  6. Jump up to level 3.
  7. next scan "3"
  8. Go back to level 0
  9. only 1 address will have a value "0"
  10. Freeze that Address!
  11. Jump to level 3 and start jumping on that level. You will see your combo increasing
  12. Once you are satisfied with the combo, unfreeze the address

    The game will only save IF the final level you jumped is MORE THAN your combo. So don't make the combo too high if you cant reach that level. Remember!! GAME ONLY SAVES IF THE LEVEL YOU JUMPED IS HIGHER THAN YOUR COMBO


Pet Society // Update on Betting cheat by Patiniox, generator by PSN

Pet Society // Update on Betting cheat by Patiniox, generator by PSN

  1. Go into PS
  2. Go to Stadium, Bet, Select anyone, DON'T press 'Ready'
  3. Go to ce5.5, select flock as process, tick HEX, 8bytes, ASROM
  4. Scan "5D8B00000652840F"
  5. Only 1 address returned. Disassemble.
  6. Right click and select 'Go To Address'
  7. Copy that address
  8. Paste it in the PS Carreracoin Hack generator below

  9. Press Generate and copy out all the generated codes.
  10. Now go back to ce5.5, click Tools > Auto Assemble and paste all the codes there
  11. Click Execute > OK
  12. Now back in PS, click ready and watch the race. you will get +1000 TWO TIMES even if you lose.

  13. Go to Stadium.
  14. Download all 3 parts, use WINRAR to extract the 2 files out.
  15. Open the autobet and you will see this image. Select the number of times you want to run this cheat. (in the image, it's 10). Click on any of the 3 buttons for auto bet (those translated in red) If unclear, check my video.


Pet Society // Buy the latest Mystery Box items

Pet Society // Buy the latest Mystery Box items
Download latest PS database: mediafire_link OR ziddu_link

You will obviously need to follow the steps here to edit the database: Customize your own PS shop

To make things easier for you guys, Just download the file above to purchase the mystery box items. This HELPS you save the coins that you spend on those boxes getting crap items :p

Just replace the old database with the above file. Use the 'ShopLuxury-latest.xml.dat' , meaning you're replacing your Luxury shop with my database.

Most of you should know what to do, this database loophole has been out for a long time.


Country Story // Get all trophies

Country Story // Get all trophies

  1. As usual, make sure Fiddler is capturing traffic
    (file > capture traffic)
  2. In your browser, go into Country Story. During the loading screen you should see lots of urls appearing. If not, click on CLEAR CACHE in fiddler.
  3. Find this line "game/farm/****/bin/achievement.bin
    (just search for a line ending with achievement.bin)
  4. Right click it and select Copy > Just URL
  5. Go to AutoResponder and click Add.
    (you should see the url appearing)
  6. At the bottom of the autoresponder, you will see a rule editor.
  7. Click on the Arrow Icon beside the SAVE button
  8. Select 'Find a file' and open either the 'All trophies database' or the 'dog trophy database' that you have just downloaded.
  9. Click SAVE
  10. Now click clear cache and reload your Country Story.
  11. You will see all the trophies slowly appearing.


Pet Society // $2000 per race bet by Patiniox + Autobet

Pet Society // $2000 per race bet by Patiniox + Autobet

  1. Go into PS
  2. Go to Stadium, Bet, Select anyone, DON'T press 'Ready'
  3. Go to ce5.5, select flock as process, tick HEX, 8bytes, ASROM
  4. Scan "5D8B00000652840F"
  5. Only 1 address returned. Disassemble.
  6. Right click and select 'Go To Address'
  7. Copy that address
  8. Paste it in the PS Carreracoin Hack generator below

  9. Press Generate and copy out all the generated codes.
  10. Now go back to ce5.5, click Tools > Auto Assemble and paste all the codes there
  11. Click Execute > OK
  12. Now back in PS, click ready and watch the race. you will get +1000 TWO TIMES even if you lose.

  13. Go to Stadium.
  14. Download all 3 parts, use WINRAR to extract the 2 files out.
  15. Open the autobet and you will see this image. Select the number of times you want to run this cheat. (in the image, it's 10). Click on any of the 3 buttons for auto bet (those translated in red)


Restaurant City // Money Cheat for level 32

Restaurant City // Money Cheat for level 32

Credits: junclj


  1. Go in RC
  2. Patch it with the Piaip rc tool if you want. (not required but if you want speed, patch it)
  3. Now in ce5.5, select flock as process
  4. Select 8bytes, and tick ASROM
  5. Scan "32" (that's your level)
  6. Alot of addresses returned
  7. Scroll down to the last address starting with "0Axxxxxx"

  8. Now slowly search from this address to the TOP of the list for an address with a pattern like this "xxxxxFBx". Should only take about a minute
  9. Search slowly and carefully, coz i believe the very first address with this pattern above the "0Axxxxxx" is the address for your level.
  10. Now when you find the "xxxxxFBx", double click it to send it down into the blank area at the bottom of ce5.5
  11. Change the value to "26" (you can try a lower value, but you may get disconnected more easily


Pet Society Cheat // Shop database

Pet Society Cheat // Shop database

Visit this link to DOWNLOAD DIFFERENT SHOPS ITEMS. Just replace Step 23 with the .dat files here. For those who know what you're doing, this will be a breeze. You no longer have to use the shopmaker to generate the database. These are the full set of database.
Link: Download Shop Database


Restaurant City // Money Cheat, get THOUSANDS of coins each time

Restaurant City // Money Cheat, get THOUSANDS of coins each time

Credits: fREE2Software

  • piaip restaurant city tool [download v1.12]

  1. Go into restaurant city.
  2. Patch it using piaip tool to allow fast eat, fast serve/cook, auto regeneration
  3. Gain at least 1 gourmet point (exp point)
  4. Go into ce5.5, select brower as process
  5. tick hex, 8bytes, ASROM.
  6. Scan "FFFFFFB8D02A0FF2"
  7. 1 address returned. (if nth found, READ step 3)
  8. Right click, disassemble it
  9. You'll see the line "mov eax,FFFFFFFF"
  10. Change it to "mov eax,00001388" and DO NOT CLOSE the memory viewer, you'll need it
  11. Note this is the current exp cheat for restaurant city. Now you will gain more exp per dishes.
  12. UNtick HEX and NEW SCAN your current level. (example: 20) you'll see alot of addresses, don't worry.
  13. Wait till you level up to 21. It'll be fast due to the exp cheat you did in step 10.
  14. Now change the "mov eax,00001388" BACK TO "mov eax,FFFFFFFF"
  15. NEXT SCAN your new level. In my example, it's 21.
  16. Only 1 address left. If more than 1, find an address with a pattern like this "xxxxxFBx".
    The value of this address will be your current level.
  17. Change the value to "1"
    Sometimes, you may get DISCONNECTED, try again if you got dc or try not to make too drastic changes in level.
  18. You will be back to lvl "1" in the game. But immediately, you will level back up to 21 WHILE gaining thousands of coins as you level up.
  19. When you're 21 again, change the value in ce5.5 back to a lower level again. And keep repeating steps 17-19 till you have alot of coins.

    HAVE FUN! Watch the video if unclear of any steps. Lvl 32 CANNOT use this cheat obviously, unless you manage to find the address of your level, which is not easy.


Restaurant City Cheat // new version of rc tool.

Restaurant City Cheat // new version of rc tool.

  • new piaip restaurant city hack [download]
  1. Go into restaurant city
  2. Open piap restaurant city hack.
  3. Select the browser you're using
  4. Select the cheats that you want to activate then click patch.


Cafe World Cheat // Faster way to get coins

Cafe World Cheat // Faster way to get coins

  1. Go into Cafe World.
  2. Select brower as process in ce5.5
  3. Tick hex, 8bytes, ASROM
  4. Scan "3B840FC98574498B"
  5. 1 address found. Right click > Disassemble
  6. You will see this line "test ecx,ecx"
  7. Change it to "test ecx,edx"
  8. Now when your customers are eating, it will freeze.
  9. Wait for a few minutes and change the line back to "test ecx,ecx"
    You will notice that your rating and money has increased alot
Note: When the game freezes, your dishes are eaten at a fast speed. This cheat can run for a long time IF you have sufficient dishes on the counter. If a message pops up saying that you've lost connection, this means that the dish you're serving has been depleted OR it could just be zyanga's server screwing up. This cheat works best with the infinite stove as you can have thousands of dishes allowing this cheat to run for a long time.


Pet Society Cheat // Better than Clone Cheat

Pet Society Cheat // Better than Clone Cheat
You will be able to CHANGE the items in the LUXURY shop of Pet Society. Let's say you want to buy Black Cat, just use the shopmaker, put it in the luxury shop and viola, the next time you load Pet Society, Black Cat is for sale! You can now buy ANY RARE items you want with the ShopMaker and the best part is... it can be SAVED and GIFTED.

Credits: youon9

You will need these:

  1. Go into Fiddler2
  2. Click File and ensure "Capture Traffic" is ticked
  3. Click "Launch IE" in fiddler2 (you can use google chrome too. just run fiddler and load ps on chrome. firefox works too, look at lower right and "use fiddler automatically" )
  4. Log into Pet Society
  5. Now look at the left panel of Fiddler2.
  6. Search for this line "/games/pets/swf/x.x.xx/shops/shopMysteryXXXX.dat"
  7. Right click > Copy > Just URL
  8. Click on AutoResponder in Fiddler2
  9. Tick both Enable Automatic responses and Permit passthrough..
  10. Now click "Add". A new line will appear in "If URL matches"

    Shop Maker Steps:
  11. Now open ShopMaker
  12. Click Download Database. (dont change the filename)
  13. Click Save
  14. Click on Shop Mystery.
  15. If done correctly, you should see a list of items at the left panel with the price.
  16. Look at Shop N.I.S in the shopmaker OR you can search for items that you want to include in the shop.
  17. You can now select the items you want to purchase. Double click the items or add everything by clicking "Insertar Todos"
  18. Once you have added the items you wan, click "Guardar"
  19. Type a filename (any name) and click save.
    *notice a second file with the same filename is generated. But with a .dat extension (this is the file you want!)
    example: shop.xml and ShopMystery-shop.xml.dat will be auto generated
    if you save as haha.xml, ShopMystery-haha.xml.dat will be auto generated. GEDDIT?

  20. Now go back to Fiddler2
  21. At the bottom of the AutoResponder tab, you should see Rule Editor
  22. Click on the arrow BESIDE "save"
  23. Click "select a file" and open the file that is generated by the ShopMaker (ShopMystery-shop.xml.dat in my case)
  24. Click SAVE
  25. Now reload Pet Society. Click Clear Cache in Fiddler.
  26. Once Pet Society loads, go into MysteryShop and you should see the items you added! You will need coins to purchase them. But buy all the RARE Black Cats or anything you want today! The key to this cheat is replacing the normal database PetSociety loads with the new database that is generated by the shopmaker

    If loading gets stuck at ShopMystery (look at the actions in fiddler), YOU DID STEP 23 WRONG


Cafe World Cheat // Duplicate items

Cafe World Cheat // Duplicate items

  1. In cafe world, purchase 3 of the item that you want to duplicate. (3 makes it easier, you can buy 2 if you're poor but takes longer to shorten the amount of addresses)
  2. In ce5.5, attach browser as process
  3. Put all the 3 items in the inventory, so you'll see a "x3" on the item you are duplicating.
  4. Scan 3. Put 1 item into shop. Now it's "x2". So you scan 2.
  5. Put 1 more item into shop. Now it's "x1". So you scan 1.
  6. Now drag the item in shop back into inventory till its "x3" again.
  7. Repeat step 4-5 till you have only 2 addresses left.
  8. Double click both address so it appears at the bottom panel.
  9. Tick freeze.
  10. Now you can duplicate the items at zero cost. DO NOT SELL THEM, or you will lose everything.
  11. Important: Make sure you have enough coins to duplicate the items. ie: You want to duplicate a $200 item. You will need $600 to buy 3 of this item PLUS another $200 to start the duplication. This additional $200 is NEEDED to duplicate items for free. = $800 is needed to duplicate a $200 item.


Restaurant City Cheat // Get easy coins from Tree By Patiniox

Restaurant City Cheat // Get easy coins from Tree By Patiniox

Credits Patiniox

  1. Go into RC, click on a tree
  2. Now in ce5.5, select firefox as process, tick hex, ASROM, array of bytes(value type)
  3. Scan "8B4B088B4964895DE88D55E88BF9"
  4. 1 address returned. Right click > Disassemble address
  5. Scroll up and find the line "je xxxxxx"
  6. Right click this line and select "Replace with code that does nothing". Click ok
  7. Now in RC, click on a tree. A coin will drop. Basically trees definitely will drop coins now instead of random event.
  8. Now back in ce5.5, NEW SCAN "83C101894860B804000000E90800"
  9. 1 address returned. Disassemble it.
  10. You'll see the line "add ecx, 01"
  11. Change 01 to 1e
  12. Now this is going to be repetitive. Basically you just click tree, get coin, click redecorate, shift some furniture, click the tick to save, click tree again, get coin, click redecorate and the cycle goes on. Don't forget to redecorate each time to save


Pet Society Cheat // Easy 1000 coins by Spyke

Pet Society Cheat // Easy 1000 coins by Spyke

  1. Go into pet society > stadium > betting
  2. Select anyone and click on the tick. But DO NOT click READY.
  3. Open ce5.5, select firefox as process
  4. Tick hex, 8bytes, ASROM
  5. Scroll down to the Betting cheat generator and scan the first value in ce5.5
  6. 1 address returned. Copy this Address into the cheat generator.
  7. Now NEW SCAN the second value in ce5.5
  8. 1 address returned. Copy this Address into the cheat generator.
  9. Click generate and copy all the codes generated.
  10. Paste the generated codes in the bottom panel of ce5.5 (that hugee blank area)
  11. You will see the line PS HURDLES $1000. Tick FREEZE!
  12. Now back in Pet Society, Click on the READY and even when you lose the bet, you will still get 1000 coins.
Note: If you get 10wins, 100wins, 300wins, you will get a trophy which will cause the mayor to appear (meaning you get d/c!). So win a bet legitimately during these 3 times before continuing using the cheat


Cafe World Cheat // Speed Hack

Cafe World Cheat // Speed Hack

  1. Go into Cafe World
  2. Select browser in process list
  3. Click enable Speedhack in ce5.5
  4. Enter speed. Value must be below 30 or you will get disconnected.
  5. Make sure you have NO dishes cooking or it will be rollbacked. It's only for fast eating!


Island Paradise Cheat // Exp + Coin

Island Paradise Cheat // Exp + Coin

  1. Go into Island Paradise
  2. Harvest a plant. (As this cheat is a little buggy, i feel that it is better to have some plants READY for harvest first)
  3. Go into CE, select firefox as process. Tick HEX, 8 bytes, ASROM
  4. Scan the value in the textfile you just downloaded. (Link above)
  5. You should see TWO addresses. Right click the TOP address.
  6. Disassemble it and 3 lines down, you will see "jmp XXXXXX"
  7. Right click this "jmp XXXXXXX" and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
  8. Click OK.
  9. Now harvest another plant. If done correctly, you should see the coins and exp increasing.
  10. When it has stopped increasing, wait for at least 10 secs to allow the auto save. Then reload your game. You should see the new $ and exp.
  11. Repeat steps again if you want more exp+coins. Just click File > New whenever you encounter an error with "Replace with code that does nothing"


HomeInn Cheats // Money + Item Clone

HomeInn Cheats // Money + Item Clone

  1. Select firefox as ce5.5 process.
  2. Scan amount of money you have currently.
  3. Lots of addresses will be found.
  4. Spend some of the money.
  5. NEXT SCAN amount of money now.
  6. 1 address left (if there are more than 1 address, repeat steps 4-5)
  7. Double click the address. Change value to 999999. This amount will not be saved but the items you buy will be saved.
  8. ie: Buy 4 10k bed
  9. Put all the 4 in the Warehouse.
  10. NEW SCAN "4" in ce 5.5
  11. Shift 1 of the bed into the room. You will have 3 bed left in the warehouse.
  12. NEXT SCAN "3"
  13. Repeat Steps 11 and 12. (next scan the current number of bed left. example: 2 bed=next scan 2. 1 bed=next scan 1.)
  14. Once you have 1 address remaining, that is the address you want!
  15. Double click it, change the value to 100.
  16. Start dragging the beds into your room or to sell them. Have Fun!
The items should not disappear... Only the Green Jewel items will disappear.. Normal cash items remains. You are probably doing it wrongly :(


Pet Society Cheat // Exp Cheat by Patiniox

Pet Society Cheat // Exp Cheat by Patiniox


  1. Go into Pet Society.
  2. Buy an apple.
  3. Select firefox in cheat engine. Tick hex, 8bytes, ASROM
  4. Scan "110FF2D045590FF2"
  5. 1 address returned. Copy the address and paste in the generator below.
  6. Type in your current paw points, select the level you want and click Enviar
  7. Now when u buy an apple, you will level up to the level you chose.
  8. Note: If you're already lvl 47, Do Not type in 'My Paw Point'. Just select 'Lvl-47' and you will gain 420,000 paw points.


Country Story // Got banned?

Country Story // Got banned?
Getting the error messsage coz you have too many plots of land? Follow these steps to fix it!


  1. Go into Country Story.
  2. Immediately disconnect your internet b4 the error message pops out.
  3. Now go to decorate > special > drag the remove plot icon onto the land that you want to remove.
  4. If a pop up saying that you have no connection, do you wish to retry?. Click 'NO'
  5. Remove the plots till a reasonable amount, then RECONNECT your internet. Do a couple of farming, seeding, watering and save your game.
  6. You'll no longer have the error message! =D (if the error still appears, remove more land)


Roller Coaster Kingdom FAST EXP+COIN cheat

Roller Coaster Kingdom FAST EXP+COIN cheat


  1. Open rckTOOL
  2. Go into RCK in facebook
  3. Click "?" button to make coin cheat
  4. Click "???" button to make exp cheat
  5. HAVE FUN =D
  6. IT IS THAT SIMPLE. do not require WPE pro anymore. SEE VIDEO IF UNSURE
Stop saying it doesn't work. It WORKS! Its just that YOU do NOT know how to make it WORK. I have done it on 2 different accounts and both works fine. For exp, make sure you visit a friend. Watch the values on the rckTool. Once it found the addresses for coin and exp, the number 0 will start increasing.


Country Story // New EXP + COIN cheat

Country Story // New EXP + COIN cheat

You will need:

  1. In countrystory, water a plant to gain exp and coin
  2. Select browser as process in CE 5.5, tick HEX, 8bytes, ASROM
  3. Scan "000000808F8BC103" and paste the address in the generator below this post
  4. Scan "4589F05589EC558B" and paste the address in the generator below this post
  5. Click 'enter' in generator
  6. Copy everything and paste in the workspace of Cheat Engine (the area where you double click an address and it goes there)
  7. Tick the line "Dont Expect too much"
  8. Now watch as you water a plant. You will gain coins and exp per click.
  9. Use the mouse recorder to automate the clicking.


Restaurant City Cheat // More Workers!

Restaurant City Cheat // More Workers!


  1. Go hire a friend. If you have max staff already, just try to hire and ignore the popup message.
  2. In CE, tick hex, 8bytes, ASROM
  3. Scan
    "F18B0000010E8F0F" (flash player 9)
    "F18B000001138F0F" (flash player 10)
  4. 1 address found. Disassemble this memory region.
  5. Change the "jg" into "jmp"
  6. Start hiring. You should be able to hire till 17 workers.
  7. Remember to save! Or it may crash and you have to redo again.


Plock on Facebook Cheat

Plock on Facebook Cheat

  1. Select firefox as process in CE
  2. Play Plock and get some points first (ie: 400)
  3. Scan 400 in CE (Double value, Tick Also Scan Read Only)
  4. A few addresses will appear
  5. Go back to Plock and get more points (ie: increase to 600)
  6. Next scan 600
  7. 2 address left
  8. Edit both values to any score you want. Max is 5million.


Pet Society Cheat // Unlimited visit

Pet Society Cheat // Unlimited visit

  1. Visit a friend in pet society
  2. Go to CE 5.5, choose firefox as process, Tick hex, 8 bytes, ASROM
  3. Scan "598b00000938840f"
  4. 1 address returned. Disassemble it.
  5. You will see this line 'JE XXXXXX' (xxxxxx = random numbers)
  6. Scroll up 4 lines and you will see ANOTHER 'JE XXXXXX'
  7. Right click this lline and choose 'Replace with code that does nothing'
  8. Go back to CE and NEW SCAN this value "538b00000020850f"
  9. 1 address returned. Disassemble it.
  10. You will see this line 'JNE XXXXXX'
  11. Now go visit your friends. Repeat visits will still get you 20coins. Rmb to use a mouse recorder to automate the clicking. (download link for mouse recorder can be found in 'Useful downloads' in my menu.


Pet Society Cheat // Auto Poo picker = Coins cheat

Pet Society Cheat // Auto Poo picker = Coins cheat

Auto poo picker by patinox and maxiducoli.

You will need :

  1. Follow rainbow poo generator instructions here [poo steps]

  2. Once your pet starts pooping rainbow poop, open the sacacacas poo bot

  3. Click 'Jugar' and a red box will appear. Select the area where your rainbow poo is.
    hint: this red box will be the area where the mouse pointer will AUTO click your poo

  4. You can either speed up the poo+click process by adjusting the 'Inervalo de tiempo'

  5. Remember to put lots of food and a BRUSH. This allows you to sleep while leaving the auto poo bot to run throughout the night. The pet will eat and make himself happy automatically.


Restaurant City Cheat // Ultimate RC patcher

Restaurant City Cheat // Ultimate RC patcher

  1. Just go into restaurant city
  2. Select the cheats that you want to use in PIAIP
  3. Select the browser you're using
  4. Click patch
  5. Have fun!
It gives you Unlimited Stamina, Fast cook, Fast waiter, Fast customer, And Customers don't need toilets.

Why use this patcher? Coz you do NOT need to scan any values. Just run RC, run the patch and viola, you are done. But you will need a high spec computer with sufficient RAM to run it for long period of time


Pet Society Cheat // Rainbow / Golden Poo cheat by SPYKE

Pet Society Cheat // Rainbow / Golden Poo cheat by SPYKE


Make sure your pet's hunger bar and happiness bar is MAXED and your pet is dirty. AT LEAST 2 flies

  1. In cheat engine, tick hex, 8bytes, ASROM
  2. Scan "458BE845893C408B"
  3. 1 address returned. If there're 2, use the top address.
  4. Copy the address and paste in the Poo Maker
  5. Click Generate (1st step) in the Poo Maker
  6. Copy out the normal poo code
  7. In Cheat Engine, dissassemble the address and press "CTRL-A"
  8. Paste the normal poo code and click execute
  9. Now NEW SCAN the other 2 values in the Poo maker
  10. Paste the respective addresses in the Poo maker textfield
  11. Click Generate (2nd step)
  12. In Cheat Engine, dissassemble the last address you scanned and press "CTRL-A"
  13. Paste the special poo code and click execute
  14. Now watch as the rainbow/golden poo starts coming in.


Farmville Tip // Standing still to harvest

Farmville Tip // Standing still to harvest

Anybody can do this. Just get your character stuck and continue clicking to plow, harvest, anything. You will no longer have to wait for him to walk to the spot.


Pet Society Cheat // Ball + Frisbee Cheat

Pet Society Cheat // Ball + Frisbee Cheat

1. Play ball/frisbee (stop at 3 is enough)

2. Select firefox as process in CE, tick hex, 8bytes, ASROM

3. Scan "544F8BD18B01C083" (if you cant find any values, YOU DIDNT FOLLOW THE ABOVE STEPS!)

4. If 2 addresses are found, use the SECOND address

5. Right click > Disassemble this memory region

6. You will see this line "add eax,01". Change "01" to "7F" == "add eax,7F"

7. Back to PS, play your ball/Frisbee and watch the numbers jump.