
Farmville // Extreme Manager

Farmville // Extreme Manager
You'll need:

  • farmville extreme manager: [download][mirror]

    Malware scan status (CLEAN):

    Farming Extreme Manager.exe
    Scan finished. 0 out of 21 scanners reported malware.
    Scan taken on:
    Wed 18 Nov 2009 05:54:47 (CET) Permalink

  • firefox
  1. Go into Farmville
  2. Open extreme manager.
  3. Click Add/Edit Planting areas and follow on-screen instructions (the fullscreen button is on the bottom right of farmville)
  4. I have not really tested other features, will do a full video on it tonight. Meanwhile, here are some user's videos with the manager's features. Watch them to understand how the program works.